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2024-07-17 12:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”对智商测试的看法“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Views on IQ tests。以下是关于对智商测试的看法的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on IQ tests

What will win? Money or knowledge? I have been reading for a long time and come to the conclusion that knowledge is more important than money. Without proper financial planning, we may eventually face financial problems, even if we are very rich. Another similar situation is that if we do not have a good understanding of English, we can't write good articles to entertain our readers.

In the long run, I think It's not good, it's just my personal view that knowledge will always be the best part of life and part of the future, and we all know that if you're stuck in a remote place where there's no transportation or no one around, money can make you go home better if you have to have 1 billion ideas or 1 billion dollars impossible, you'd rather spread your knowledge to others than want to Become a billion dollars. Money dominates the system in which we live now, but knowledge challenges the fact that we have spent an endless amount of money in the course of our world's development. I would rather (almost in any lifetime) have all the knowledge in the world than all the money in the world, not because I don't need to be rich, but because spreading this knowledge will be more happiness and happiness than giving people money every day happy.




Tourism is a kind of travel with the purpose of entertainment, leisure or business. Tourism has become a popular leisure activity in the world. There are more than one million international tourists coming to visit.

Compared with the international tourism income, it has increased by 1 billion US dollars (billion euro). Corresponding to the actual growth, in the past few decades, the tourism industry has appeared a high-end trend, in this case, the short-term development of tourism industry has become more and more important International travel on break is common. Tourists have high disposable income, long leisure time, good education and elegant taste.

Now people have a demand for better quality products, which leads to the differentiation of Beach Resort mass market. People want more professional version, quieter resort, family oriented holiday or niche market target hotel The development of technology and transport infrastructure, such as large jets, low-cost airlines and more convenient airports, has made many types of tourism more affordable. It is estimated that at any time, there are at most people on the plane, and their lifestyle has also changed.

For example, retirees who support the whole year's travel have benefited from the Internet sales of tourism products. Some websites have started to provide dynamic packaging, in which packages customized by customers according to their impulse will quote the price included.




When girls gossip about husband and wife, they always believe in constellation. They regard constellation as an important criterion to judge whether husband and wife are suitable for each other. I don't believe in constellation.

I deeply doubt it, because people's emotion is not determined by constellation. People who believe in constellation think that their personality is described by constellation. When they read constellation, they find that what constellation says is completely consistent with them Because people believe in constellations, they follow the advice of constellations.

For example, what kind of boyfriends should they wear today? I don't believe in constellations. First of all, there are constellations, that is to say, they have the personality of constellations. We are told that there are no two identical men in the world, that is, everyone has his own personality, and then they do not conform to the constellation.

Second, if I After reading what each constellation says, we may find that it describes the good and bad aspects of personality. People will naturally choose to believe the good side in their mind. Therefore, people think that the constellation is right.

We should believe in science. The constellation is just an interesting thing. We should not judge people according to it.



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